BlogJet Blog

BlogJet 2.5 Beta 3 released

We are happy to announce the new beta version of BlogJet 2.5, our blog client for Windows!

What's New

  • "View Details" in WYSIWYG editor.


  • Ability to turn on and off word wrap for code editor.
  • AutoComplete in code editor.


  • Automatic closing of tags in code editor.


  • Fixed issue with using Alt key for menu shortcuts.
  • Recents Posts window is now modeless. (Note: it has been changed to modeless but currently it doesn't reflect changing accounts and doesn't reload published posts, you need to close and reopen it for changes to appear. This will be fixed in the future release)
  • TypePad image uploading problem is solved.
  • TypePad "Get recent posts" error is fixed.
  • Fixed a lot of issues with drafts and WYSIWYG editor.
  • Fixed setting default font as "Times New Roman" (font preferences work the same way as in BlogJet 2.0 now).
  • Now dictionaries are placed into AppData/Spell folder (fixes Win7/Vista custom dictionary issue). (Note for Beta 2 users: please move custom dictionary files to AppData/DiFolders/BlogJet/Spell)
  • Restored showing progress window when posting.

Download BlogJet Beta (4.3 MB)

Let us know about any problems you encounter in BlogJet Beta forum.