BlogJet Support
Managing accounts
Creating accounts
See also video tutorial on how to create account.
BlogJet provides you an easy way to create your account with Account Wizard.
When you run BlogJet for the first time, the Account Wizard will automatically ask you to create an account.
How to create a new account
If you want to create another account,
- Click Edit in the Login window.
- Click New Account.
To open the Login window from main window, click Tools > Change Account or press F5.
Account Wizard
Account Wizard helps you easily create or edit accounts.
Step 1. Welcome Page
If you do not have a blog yet, select Create new blog (suggest me a service), otherwise select I have a blog (skip to Step 3. Entering blog address topic). Click Next.
Step 2 (optional). Creating new blog (service suggestions)
BlogJet provides you an easy way to subscribe to one of the leading blog services. Select a provider by clicking its name. You’ll be redirected to its subscribe page. Get an account and then click Next.
Step 3. Entering blog address
BlogJet will try to autodetect your connections settings, thus it needs to know your blog’s address (URL). Enter it (for example,
into Blog URL text field and click Next.
Step 4. (optional) Editing connection settings
If BlogJet fails to autodetect your connection settings, it will ask you to enter them manually.
Select your blog provider in Provider combobox and click Next.
Note: Some services (and self-hosted server software) require you to configure Host and Page manually (in this case you’ll see text with capitalized letters - replace it with corresponding parameters.
Step 5. Username and password
Enter your username and password. They are the same as ones you use to post to your blog from the Web. Click Next. BlogJet will try to connect to the server to receive information about your blog.
Note: Some services (notably Movable Type require a separate API password instead of the normal one. See Movable Type’s Knowledge Base: | Invalid Login with Third Party Clients.
Step 6. (optional) Selecting blog
Some blog services allows you to have more than one account under your login name. In this case BlogJet will ask you to select a blog.
To add all your blogs, create an account in BlogJet for each of them.
Step 7a. (optional) File upload configuration
If your blog providers support direct file uploading via API, you’ll see File Upload Configuration page (otherwise, Configuring FTP Connection - see the next topic). This page allows you to configure the path on your server, which BlogJet will use to upload files. Leave Use default upload location selected if you want to upload to the default path. Click Next.
Step 7b. (optional) Configuring FTP connection
See also video tutorial on how to configure FTP
In case that your blog provider doesn’t support file uploading directly, you have to configure FTP connection in order to insert images and voice.
Note: If you do not have a hosting with FTP access, you can get one here..
If you want to use FTP for file uploading, select Use FTP to upload pictures and other files that I insert in text. Then enter your FTP settings - please refer to your web hosting’s manual or contact their support team for details. (If you do not have a hosting, click I do not have a hosting with FTP support to receive our recommendation on how to get it).
When you finish, click Test this configuration… for testing. If it succeeds, click Next.
Step 8. Entering account title and address
We recommend you to leave default settings. Click Finish.
Congratulations, your account has been created!
Editing accounts
To edit account:
- Select it the Login window.
- Click Edit > Edit
- Follow the instructions on Creating accounts.
To open the Login window from the main window, click Tools > Change Account or press F5.
Deleting accounts
To edit account:
- Select it the Login window.
- Click Edit > Delete
To open the Login window from the main window, click Tools > Change Account or press F5.