BlogJet Support
Keyboard shortcuts
Action | Shortcut |
Create new post | Ctrl+N |
Manage posts | Ctrl+H |
Open post from file | Ctrl+O |
Save post as draft or export to file | Ctrl+S |
Print current post | Ctrl+P |
View blog page | F3 |
Change/manage accounts | F5 |
Check spelling | F7 |
Post & Publish | Ctrl+Enter |
Action | Shortcut |
Bold | Ctrl+B |
Italic | Ctrl+I |
Underline | Ctrl+U |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Cut selection to clipboard | Ctrl+X |
Copy selection to clipboard | Ctrl+C |
Paste from clipboard | Ctrl+V |
Delete selection | Delete |
Select all | Ctrl+A |
Find text | Ctrl+F |
Numbering | Shift+Ctrl+N |
Bullet style | Shift+Ctrl+L |
Indent (Blockquote) | Ctrl+M / Tab |
Outdent | Ctrl+Alt+M |
Align left | Ctrl+L |
Center | Ctrl+E |
Align right | Ctrl+R |
Extended entry | Shift+Ctrl+E |
Action | Shortcut |
Insert image | Shift+Ctrl+I |
Insert hyperlink | Ctrl+K |
Now playing | Ctrl+D |
Attach voice | Ctrl+Shift+V |